Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 5 Friday

Grandson Grice  

My daughter Kristin brought the kids down from St Augustine (for final visit) before school starts for them next week.  I always look forward to their visits, for these kids just make me happy for a change.  Funny thing about grandchildren.....all of a sudden I have patience for the little things which used to drive me crazy.  The house is noisy,  the house is a mess, and the house is just plain loud all the time.  But you know what?  Does it really matter?  I want the kids to LOVE PawPaw's house, and I want them to feel comfortable here.  They can't break anything I can't fix.  I just want them to relax and be normal kids while they are here.  

The photo above is my grandson Grice...Kristin's youngest.  He is decked out in Vero Beach Football gear that Marty made for him, and he plans on going to practice with me tomorrow morning. This kid has huge hands and huge feet for only being 5 years old.  Of course I am seeing football player all the way.  He is going to be tall, so maybe he can develop some wheel and be a quarterback or maybe a big receiver.  I don't see great signs of speed in him yet, so considering his lineage, he may be a big offensive or defensive lineman.  No one knows what Grice will do of course, and I really don't care either.  I just hope Grice does what he wants to do.  The only thing I can do is set the example for him, and hope he gets the benefit and lessons in life that team sports provides.  

We had a good day today on the field.  The players had a easy day yesterday because of pictures, media day etc. I noticed their legs were a little heavy which is to be expected on day five.  However, I thought the kids bounced back well and had a good practice.  

I have been working with the offensive line pretty much all week, and I am really enjoying it. Working with the big boys is a bit of a departure for me, for I have always worked with the skill kids all my career.   I love these big boys, for they are the heart and sole of this football team.  If the O-line stalls, the offense stalls....its that simple.  There are a lot of individual personalities in this group, and they are a lot of fun.  

Tomorrow we have a practice at 8am.  Lenny has a big day planned, and it should be a great way to wrap up the week.  

Talk Tomorrow.  


August 18th:  Vero Beach vs Viera      ( Pre-Season Kickoff Classic)  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome to see the next generation of football kids. My grandson loves football too. I am excited to see him around games and practice at my new school!
