Saturday, August 4, 2018

First Week Is A Wrap.

I often think about my dad this time of year, because football season has officially began.  Dad was really an old-school coach who modeled himself after his coach in the Army....and Vince Lombardi.  Naturally, this also meant he was somewhat of a tyrant on the football field.  This was not a bad thing during his day, and most all his players dearly loved him then and now.  It was just a sign of the times when kids were a little grittier than they are today.  Coach Dad's practices were unbelievably brutal and physical, and injuries were very common.  We were taught to just "Walk It Off" or just "Work Through It" if we were nicked up a bit.  Truly, the only things that got the coaches attention then were a exposed-bone compound fracture or a gaping blood-gushing wound which would require stitches to close.  Remember, there was no such thing as an MRI to look for internal structural injuries. We were simply taught to shake off an injury and get back into competition.  Knee and ankle injuries were common.  We were wrapped in an ace bandage and instructed to walk it off.    There was no concussion protocol whatsoever. If you hit somebody and had "Your Bell Rung" (stars in your head, blackouts, and severe tingling in your extremities) ammonia capsules shoved up your nose often saved the day.  Back into the practice or game we would go.  In fact, NOT going back into the game was deemed a sign of weakness.  I'm not complaining though, for trainers and coaches just did not know any better back in the day.  I would still run through a wall for any of my coaches without asking why.  Now days, technology is much more advanced, and coaches are much better trained than ever before.  Today's players are safer than they have ever been.  

Some old school football people are often amazed at how a modern football practice is conducted.  The brutal physical football practices in days past are rarely seen anymore.  Now days we try to limit the amount of contact a player receives during the week.  Form tackling and blocking drills are most often done (against bags) with a keen focus on technique.  We often practice in just helmets, or just in shells (Helmet-Shoulder Pads) We still practice in full equipment of course, but for the most part, heavy player to player contact is limited unlike the early days. Our kids are healthier and fresher on game days  In future blog postings, I will describe some of my Dad's old football drills...remember the term: MEAT GRINDER....brutal! 

Now a quick word on VBHS Football  

We finished up day 5 on Friday.  Luckily, the weather at 8am  allowed us to get in all the practices without fear of rain.  Coach J's practices are well scripted, and we got in a lot of work this week.  For me, all the work this week also exposed a few things my kids need to work on next week.  Our defense is flying around the ball pretty good right now which is a great thing.  At this stage of practice, the defense will always be ahead of the offense, and this year is no different.  We have two weeks to prepare for the kickoff classic game vs Melbourne Viera High School.  This game is a real challenge for our young inexperienced team....but I think we will be solid.  


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