Monday, August 7, 2017

New Week

5am Sucks 

I was awake at 4:30am anyway.  The throbbing in my neck area is becoming unbearable at times, so I am awake when I should be asleep quite often.  Still, the sudden blast of my alarm clock going off at 5am jolted me out of bed.  I thought: "Why the hell am I getting up at 5am for football practice?"  Then, reality hit me and I knew the answer.....the reason I am getting up at 5am is BECAUSE of football!  That being said, 5am still sucks.  

I gathered my practice clothes on Sunday night, so I knew exactly what I would be wearing this morning.  I was trying to be considerate and not awaken my wife Marty while looking for my coaching stuff. Marty is the only one who knows where all my stuff is (all the time) anyway,  and I was determined not to bother her so early.  I jumped out of bed, got dressed in my familiar red & black coaching attire and headed out the garage to my truck.  Obviously, it was still dark outside and seemed weird.  I stopped by the local convenience store and purchased my usual... Diet Dr Pepper, Banana,  and a pack of BC Powders which immediately helps me with my neck / knee pain.  

I arrived at school at 5:50am or so, and I could see and hear someone on the practice field (with a lawn tractor) dragging the fresh dew off the grass.  Of was Lenny, who was at the field at 4:30am doing so.  So, I will not be bitching about waking up at 5am any longer.  It occurred to me that most of the coaches are also teachers...and today they were required to be in class for the first time. School actually starts next Monday for us.  

I thought the early morning practice was great.  It was nice and cool outside.  Almost all the kids showed up to practice on time, and that pleased the coaching staff.  We had some nice one on one drills today with the O-Line and D-Line...which was very good for both sides of the ball.  Randy Bethel made a great statement I thought:  Randy told his D-Line group that they would not face a better O-Line group than ours, and the O-Line would not face a better D-Line than ours either.  So, these drills will make everyone better.  After all these years, Bethel still motivates me as a coach.   Practice ended at exactly 8:30 as Lenny promised it would.  We cleared the field and called it a day.  Early practices may not be so sucky afterall.  

I want to start introducing our coaching staff to you.  This staff has a lot of experience on both sides of the ball.  Most every coach on this staff has head coaching experience, and EVERY coach on this staff is also a great teacher.  While I was coaching at Sebastian River High School, I totally underestimated this coaching staff. I really enjoy working with all these guys, and I am thankful they allow me to work with them.   Today I will start with the offensive side of the ball.  I will leave myself out of this introduction.  

Lenny Jankowski (on right)  

Lenny Jankowski:  Head Coach - Athletic Director:  
Lenny has an amazing offensive of the best I have ever seen. Vero's offense is Lenny's offense, and he does it very well.  Lenny coaches his own quarterbacks, and his connection with those kids is amazing.  Coach J has a way of making these kids see exactly what he sees on the field.  Lenny's play calling ability is unmatched...especially considering he is doing it in mere seconds with our fast paced high-tempo system. There is always something new coming from Lenny, but it all stays within our system...its amazing.  I always hated preparing to play against him, now I am playing with him.  It is much better on this side!  lol.  

Mark Harris:  Wide Receivers  
Mark coaches the impressive group of wide receivers on our team, and he is also the head track and field coach.   Mark was also a former professional baseball player, so he is a great athlete himself; therefore, along with his track and field experience, Mark is a perfect fit to coach our skill group. Next to Lenny, Mark knows this offense better than anyone on our staff, so if anything ever happened to Lenny on the field, Mark could call the offense on the sideline. 

Mickey Groody:  Running Backs-Special Teams- Head Freshman Coach.    
Groody reminds me of myself at his age.  He played high school football at perennial power St. Thomas Aquinas High School down south, and he also was a record-breaking punter at Florida Atlantic University.  He does a fine job at coaching our running backs, but this is not the only place he shines.  Groody also coaches the Freshman team.  Theses young kids really connect with our young coach, so he is also the perfect fit to coach our talented 9th graders.  Someday you will see Groody coaching at the next level somewhere.  

Ken Willis- Offensive Line  
I coached with Ken at Sebastian for a few years where he coached our offensive line.  At the time he was also our head baseball coach.  But time moves along, and Ken ended up back at Vero Beach..also coaching the offensive line.  Willis also played two sports at Vero Beach High School (football and baseball)  and he played baseball in college.  Therefore, Ken knows what it takes to be successful at the next level.  I am happy to be coaching with him again.  

Pete MacDonald- Offensive Line  
Pete has coached here at Vero Beach for several years.  I am not sure of his coaching background, but I do know he is a former military man (US ARMY) and that is good enough for me.  I am sure he is tough as nails when he needs to be.  I love how he approaches practice times, and how technical he becomes in his teaching mode.  Pete has a good grasp on offensive line play, and I learn by watching him teach myself.  This guy is a leader of young men...just like a military man is supposed to be. 

I will introduce the defensive coaching staff in the next few days.  A true bunch of characters.  


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