Sunday, August 13, 2017

Wrapping It Up! ....Starting It Up!

I am sorry I have not been writing much lately.  I have this cervical issue in my neck going on right now, and to tell you the truth, it really hurts to sit down and peck at the keyboard.  I did go and see a Neurologist earlier in the week.  (I am pretty sure the whole issue stems from my motorcycle wreck a couple years ago... the same wreck which ripped my ACL in my left knee...I flew over the handlebars and landed on my head)   I have bulge in my neck which is pressing down on nerves I guess.  That injury is also causing muscle spasms in my neck....put it all together and it is relatively painful. I was awakened a few days ago with electrical shocks going up into my skull from my neck...sort of like a strobe light inside by brain if you can imagine that.  Also, it feels like something is loose in the neck  itself.  I do have some awesome muscle relaxers and a few pain meds...and that helps, but it just makes me sleepy.  (I am such a wimp when it comes to medications...or alcohol, or anything like that.) We are going to treat it like a soft tissue injury right now and see how it responds.  Truthfully, it MUST respond because it is football season, and I would not consider any other treatment right now.   I will admit that even moving my head is an adventure.      

Chain Wench Traction Machine  

I made this cool traction device which really stretches my neck out....and it feels so good stretching out a slinky.  But I am catching some hell from family and friends about it.  I used my chain wench (used for pulling outboard motors from a boat) and attached an old motorcycle helmet to the hook.  I strap on the helmet...start winching, and it stretches me out pretty good.  I can hear my neck rattling around at the same time.  Problem is that if I would lose consciousness for any reason, the helmet strap would strangle me.  Hey, so it has a design flaw, I never said it was perfect!!   I guess it needs tweaking.  

Camera Tripod. 

What does a coach do on his day off?  In my case, quite often I work on team equipment.  This is the tripod for our end-zone camera equipment.  The camera is attached to the top, and then it telescopes up to over 30 feet.  I replaced some bolts, made some additional brackets, and just got it ready to go.  We use this every game....home or away.  It has to work correctly so we get the video footage we need every week.  I like working on anything, so I am the perfect coach for a project like this.  It is just one of the ways I can fit in with our great coaching staff.  

Stadium Renovation Almost Complete. 

Back to football.  The football team officially finished up the preseason last Friday.  I really believe this team has the potential to be scary good, but there are several things we must improve on first.  The coaches are working diligently on our depth at each position...and at this level, depth can make or break a season.  Luckily here at Vero Beach, we have plenty of kids coming out to play ball, so filling a void usually does not cause much issue.  8A (big school) football in to love it.  

Tomorrow we begin a game-week schedule.  We are playing Melbourne-Viera in our kickoff classic.  Even though this game does not count on our regular season record, we still treat this game as if it does.  Like I have mentioned before, we follow a strict practice and game schedule.  Coach Jankowski (Lenny) has everything carefully scripted each the kids get into a routine.  RARELY do we venture far from our schedule.  I love coaching like this.  I love this program too.  

More tomorrow hopefully.  Tomorrow I will introduce our defensive staff as well.  


1 comment:

  1. It is good to see you writing again...I am going into my 23 year of coaching (and many of those with Coach Bethel and Coach George). I miss them dudes!!!
