Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 3. Brain Rattles.

I have been coaching for many years, and I have watched the game evolve in several ways.  Back when I played...or even when I first started coaching, not much thought was given to concussions.  (A concussion happens when your brain rattles around in your skull causing bruising.)  Seeing stars, numbness or stinging (stinger) in your extremities, or even a temporary loss of consciousness after a vicious hit on the field was commonplace.  If fact, it was almost considered a badge of honor to hit someone so hard you got a brain freeze doing so.  Coaches back then carried ammonia capsules in their pockets, and when you got the fuzzies, they used to shove these capsules up your nose until your head was supposedly clear.  An "all clear" call would be a simple question:  "You ok?"  or  "How many fingers am I holding up?"  These questions would usually be the medical diagnosis for determining if you were cleared to go back in a game.  I do not remember ANY athlete not cleared to go back in a game because of a head stinger.     Little did we know these episodes were actually brain concussions.  Coaches and trainers just did not have the knowledge and training for recognition of concussions that we have now.  Back then, we as a society just did not know any better.  I am not at all surprised that many athletes in my generation have cognitive and cervical issues from all the brutal and untreated head and neck injuries we endured.   

Now days, the equipment (helmets) is much better, and the coaches and trainers are well schooled in concussion recognition.  Obviously, there are different grades of concussions, but each concussion is treated seriously.  A player today will NOT touch the field until all concussion symptoms have subsided, and they will NOT participate until he has been cleared by medical personnel.  Today's athletes are bigger, stronger, and faster than we ever were; naturally, vicious contact is just part of the game.  Contrary to popular belief,  today's athletes are well protected and safer than they have ever been.  

Today was a good day.  The kids are allowed to wear "shells" today after spending a couple days in helmets only.  Today the kids wore their helmets, shoulder pads, and shorts.  We will spend a couple days in shells, then probably go full equipment on Friday.  Officially, football season started Monday. Even though we attended camps and 7 on 7 tournaments where full equipment was allowed, The State -of Florida requires that we spend two days in helmets only, and then spend two days in shells-only for practice.  That's long as everyone is playing by the same rules there is not an issue. is HOT outside, so the kids enjoy a little bit of non-equipment time.  

Today was Day 2 of the offensive install.  Looks like we are pretty talented.  I hope we can be competitive on the field when it counts.  



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