Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day 2 Good Start

New Vero Beach Football Helmets 

Started putting new emblems and stripes on our new helmets today.  The chrome emblem and stripes are new for Vero Beach, and I kind of like it.  The new style will be perfect for our new uniforms this year.  I will be showing those to you later in this blog.  Also, we are going back with white face masks again this year.  Something Old - Something New.  I can dig it.

Penn State....Old School Cool  

ALABAMA ....Classic  Cool  

I know some of you will find this hard to believe, but I tend to be more traditional in my favorite uniform choices. lol.  The simple uniforms worn by teams like Penn State, Alabama, Georgia, Nebraska etc.. are still my uniforms of choice.. But now days the kids like something more flashy, and I get that.  I was young once too.  I remember when mesh jerseys and water football helmets were considered all the rage.  For us to wear anything other than white socks was a real stretch.  Players and fans like the new uniform designs of today, and to be honest, I don't mind them at all either....as long as everyone looks the same on the team.  These Louisville uniforms look pretty cool.  

Louisville Cardinals Uniforms  

Today we had a great practice early this morning.  Since we got rained out yesterday, Coach Jankowski (Lenny)  just used yesterday's practice script for today's practice.  Offensively this means we are in Day 1 of our offensive install. By day 3 we should have some great groundwork established for what we are trying to accomplish in this offense.  Every drill we run, and every play call we make is tightly scripted.  I love a good scripted practice.  Rarely does Lenny venture off his practice plan; however, we can modify it a little if necessary.  I love this offense.  

I had a chance to watch our defense a little bit today, and I think they are crazy fast.  That's all I am going to say about this.... but I think we can hold our own this year.  

See you tomorrow. 


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