Saturday, July 21, 2018

New Generation of Zaleuke's

 Grandson Grice  

This is my grandson Grice (age 6) starting his first year of tackle football.  Grice is a fairly big kid (tall and skinny) so I think he may be able to play a little.  Athletes are in his genes, so perhaps he has a chance.  Playing tackle football at his age is certainly controversial these days, but the truth is that very few injuries actually occur when the players are younger.  At this age, the kids are really playing ping-pong ball and they are just bouncing off each other.  Rarely is there ever a hard hit with these well-protected and padded youngsters.   Whats really important are the "Lessons in Life" these kids are being taught at this young age. YES, these kids play in a competitive traveling football league where someone has to win...and someone has to lose every game.  They actually keep score.  I love this.  I have taught my grandchildren to take their non-winning participation trophies and throw them in the pond behind their house.  There should only be a reward for doing well...there should never be a reward for just showing up.  A certificate of participation is good enough.  Want a trophy?  Win something!  Above all, I just want him to enjoy the game and have fun.

Why can't I be normal? Why does everything have to consume me?  What are my closets filled with Red, Black, White, and Gray clothing?  Why do most of my dress shirts have a VB Football embroidered somewhere?  Why does my cell phone have "War Chant" as a ringtone?    Even my boat has a VB Football theme.  I guess I am all-in with this great program.  I am very happy here. 

We recently went on an European cruise originating out of Copenhagen Denmark.  On one of the formal nights, we had to wear long pants and a collared shirt.  My wife's only request?  She did not want me wearing VB team gear with a logo on it!  Unfortunately, coaching shirts was all I had available...but I did find an Adidas shirt which she agreed I could wear.  

My closets used to be filled with Sebastian River High School Football (SRHS) gear.  Blue, White, Black, and Silver used to dominate my wardrobe.  Just recently, a very good friend of mine (Tony Perry) landed the job HC job at Sebastian.  This made me very happy...I want Tony to do very well except for one game a year.   So, I boxed up every piece of gear  I had with SRHS written on it (along with two new letterman's jackets) and brought them to his house.  I am sure there is a new coach who needs practice gear (coaches are always looking for practice gear)  Hopefully, there is a player in his program who would like to have a letterman's jacket but cannot afford one.  Now, Tony has two new jackets to give away.  

Anyway, I am getting more and more excited for our football camp coming up this week.  Can't wait.  

Later GZ 

1 comment:

  1. Glad Perry finally got the took them long enough to get it right!!!
