Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Game Plan Is In.

Austin Maxwell- 2017  Lineman Of The Year  "The Champ" 

Today I was paid again as a football coach.  Not monetarily, but with pride.  Big Ole Austin Maxwell came down to practice today to visit with the team and coaches.  It was so great to see him.  Of course, I greeted him with: "How are you doing Champ"  I saw his eyes light up and he stuck out that big mit (his hand) of his and firmly grasped my hand.  He looked me straight in the eye and greeted me with pride.  Austin asked me: "Coach, you bringing back the belt?"  "Did you see what I did with my belt?"  The young man has mounted the belt onto a decorative board and mounted it onto his wall.  I hope someday he will show the belt to his children and think fondly of me.  

I remember asking myself if kid's today would consider the belt stupid?  I often wondered if my dreams for motivating them was my pipe dream, or did they actually take some pride in winning the weekly award.  I knew the big boys enjoyed the additional press they received from the local media, but I wondered if they really took pride in their 'Linemen Only' award given by their position coaches.  Today, all my wonders and worries were put to rest.  I guess the 'The Strap' does mean something, and I am glad to bring it back for another year.  

Hudl Sideline Charging Tonight

Today is Wednesday.... The game plan is in.  Everything that could have been added to the plan has been added.  Now, we are in reinforcement mode.  Everything we have been working on as a team is being touched upon.  We are tweaking the little things, and making adjustments when necessary.  Tonight I took home all of our electronic equipment for a good charging before I meet tomorrow with Chris Hiser.  Our game will be broadcast on our YouTube Channel, so Chris is quite busy himself.  I really like this young technical expert, and I would be lost without him.  Between the two of us, we can figure out most any issue with this instant replay system (Hudl Sideline) which as become such a big part of our sideline.  

Tomorrow will be another busy day for me.  Practice itself will be what we call on/off.  We will rehearse the entire game on the field.  Every formation we run, and every defense we run will be touched upon.  We will hit all special teams, and make sure we are covered with backups at each position.  Then,  I will help Coach DeLuke give out game jerseys and uniforms for Friday night's game.  I also have a 4:30 pm meeting with Hiser which should last no more than an hour.  Then, I will go home and not sleep tomorrow night.  Like I said....tomorrow will be a long day.  

I will write when I can.  Its getting hard to put together a complete sentence.  Nerves are setting in.  


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