Saturday, August 25, 2018

VB vs Venice....Game Wrap Up.

Photo borrowed from our great booster club's FB page 

The score board says it all.  Last night we beat Venice 42-20 in a hard fought showdown with last year's 7A State champion.  I won't was a great game against a quality opponent, and the victory was still in doubt until the mid  third quarter.   It was a brutal trip for us.  After a quick (on the go) lunch provided by our excellent booster club,  we hit the road at 10:30 for the three hour + trip across the state to Venice Florida.  The actual trip over in the motor coach was not too bad, and the time passed quickly.  We arrived at a local hotel and facility at 1:45 pm to just chill and relax a little before the 7:30 pm kickoff.  The hotel arranged for us to use a large carpeted meeting space while we were ther.  This air conditioned room had a large movie screen, dining tables,   ice water and lemonade, and plenty of room to stretch out and relax.  At 3:45 they fed our kids a pre-game meal of grilled chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, and salad.  Our players ate dinner, got dressed, and we went through our normal routine of getting taped, meetings, etc.... before leaving the complex at 5:00 pm and heading for the field about two miles away.  This diversion kept everything as normal as possible and routine for all the players.  Every coach hates the unexpected before a game.  

We arrived to the stadium and was greeted by an immediate lightning delay.  We could not get to the field and set up.  We fought this weather related on and off the field thing all night long.  We had two long delays during the game, and I was worried that it would affect our momentum.  I thought the coaching staff did a masterful job at keeping the kids focused with all the distractions.  The game itself was very rewarding. We jumped on them pretty quickly, but they answered with a score of their own to tie it up 7-7.  This physical game went back and forth for the first two quarters.  We had a touchdown called back, but we still went into half time leading 21-20 despite the two long delays oth teams endured.  It was a loooooong half of football.  Coach Jankowski (Coach J) gave a fantastic halftime talk with the players, and we came out ready to play and eventually pulled away 42-20 to secure the win.  It was a great quality win against a great program over in Venice.  We arrived home around 4 am this morning.  

Remember the special team's confusion we had (in week 1) when playing Viera?  Did you see us (Coach Dale Dawkins and myself) using these signs?   I made these signs to use during the game.  Marty lettered these signs, and on the back of each sign I had all the depth chart information adhered.  We would simply hold up the sign, call out the players on that particular special team, and quickly get on the field.  Worked like a charm.  

One final thing.  I will never be talking much (on this blog) about who is or isn't starting, or who may or may not be injured, or the severity of the injury.  I will not be talking about the game plan, and I will never talk about what is being said behind the closed doors of the program.  I just intended this blog to be generic information about our wonderful program....and you never know who may be reading this blog.  Thank You for all the positive words I hear about my writing.  



Miami Hurricane's Turnover Chain  

A defensive turnover is very special.  Last year, the University of Miami started rewarding the player who caused the turnover, with a big, gold and gaudy gold chain to wear on the sideline.  The players adopted this new award, and they fought hard to get it each week.  Coach Manny Diaz's  new award was quickly copied by what seems like every high school team in the country with their version of this special award.  It became very watered down.  It was crazy.  

Within the past couple weeks, our defensive backs Coach Brian Rahal approached me about making something for the defense to celebrate turnovers of possession.  He knew how much fun the kids were having on the offensive line with "The Belt"  I told him that the turnover chain was overdone, and we needed to think of something else.  I said we needed to do a Ric Flair/ James Brown type of thing with a robe or cape of some type.  Brian simply said to bling it up as much as possible....then double that amount; thus, an idea was born.   I was married to the right girl to get this done....but she just did not know it.  I have a great football wife.  Marty got right to work.  

Ric Flair Robe and Cape 

James Brown Cape 

Marty found the perfect fabric to use for the cape.  She designed a pattern to use, while I expressed our vision for this beauty.  She spent a week (spare time) just cutting fabric and sewing this beauty trying to make our vision come to life.  Coach Rahal found a silver box to keep it in.  Marty covered this box with emblems to make it look special....almost secretive.  The cape was folded in the box and locked down... remember, the players knew nothing about this cape.  Coach Rahal carried this silver decorative box around with his all day Friday making sure the players seen him doing so.  Of course, the players curiosity grew and the question kept coming up: "Coach, Whats In The Box?"   Rahal demanded they make a play to find out!   Then it happened....a fumble recovery!   He opens the box and......

So, this is the story on the cape.  I am sure you will be seeing it many more times this year.  I am also sure you will be seeing "The Belt" a lot again this year as well.  Makes my heart feel good to see these kids having fun with this stuff.  

Talk Later:  


1 comment:

  1. Football is like life. There is constant ups and downs, most of which you have no control over. You guys did a good job keeping the team locked in and focused despite the delays. Good luck this week your preparation. I love the cape in Nature Boy style!!!
