Saturday, September 22, 2018

WON 27-20 Centennial Next.

Last night we defeated a very tough Pahokee Blue Devil team 27-20 in a game over in the muck of Lake Okeechobee.  The game was a brutal fight until the very end, but our defense came up big in the every end.  Pahokee is a very tough 1A program located in the impoverished western section of Palm Beach County.  This little town does not have much going for it except the big lake and high school football.  This football factory school has put more kids in college and in the NFL than probably any other single program in the state of Florida. Their team was amazing with their size and team speed at every position.  Luckily, we have a few athletes of our own.

The game was a vicious battle back and forth until the very end. With the clock winding down, the score tied a 20-20...and us on defense, Offensively, we were already thinking about overtime. Then, a miracle happened!   Our five star defense end Jafari Harvey forced a fumble, scooped and scored putting us ahead 27-20 with one minute to go (great athletes make great plays when the opportunity arises)  After kickoff, our defense when back onto the field in a pure prevent style protecting our slim lead.  A few long passes later it was all over.  Our victory was earned...not given to us.  The Blue Devils committed seven turnovers (many of which we forced) and that was truly the story of the game.  Offensively, we made a few errors of our own, but we also never lost composure.  I was very proud of the way we kept fighting.  Pahokee has a great team, and they should keep winning all the way through the state playoffs.  Kudos to them.  

QB Nick Celidonio

My player Bryan Primus-Winston had great game.  Tough Yardage.  


Granddaughter Kirby watching from Daytona (Gymnastics Meet) 

Turnover Cape was awarded 6 times Last Night. 

Signs drying in my garage 

"The Belt" at home awaiting this weeks winner.  

I enjoyed the victory on Friday night.  I brought home a lot of team gear to dry everything out.  Everything was soaked from the rain and humidity in the muck.  Marty will examine "The Cape" for any damage and repair if necessary.  So, as you can see, my football work week never really ends.  We will meet as a staff on Sunday to discuss last night's game, discuss this weeks opponent, and discuss practice plans for this coming week.  The game this week is huge.  This is our first district game vs St. Lucie Centennial....another undefeated team in our district.  We have a big target on our backs... everyone wants to knock us off.  It does not get any easier from now on.  

Finally, I want to once again thank our fantastic booster club for taking care of us on the road.  These hard-working men and women absolutely spoil us on the road and sure make our lives easier.  We would not be successful without their hard work.  I will never forget your kindness.  

Also, thanks to everyone at Christian FM for doing such great work in covering our football program.  I consider each member of their team to be personal friends, and their professional radio (and podcast) broadcast and coverage will rival any media source anywhere.  

Sunday, September 16, 2018

WON: 42-3 Pahokee Next.

We defeated a strong Ft Lauderdale team 42-3 on Friday night.  The game was a sloppy victory for us, and I felt the kids were a little flat from the beginning.  I heard Christian FM's Paul Tipton and Gary Paris say (on their podcast) the game was really the tale of two quarters...and I agree with them.  We struck fast with our first score, and took a 21-0 lead finishing out the first quarter.  The two teams battled for most of the second and third quarters trading punches that you would expect with two undefeated teams.  Both teams were on the field quite a bit on this extremely hot and humid night;  fortunately, this played into our favor.  Our depth paid dividends.

Going into the forth quarter and still ahead 21-3, we started substituting while the opponents were staying with their first team....both teams were gassed to say the least.    Our kids (and their fresh legs) dominated the forth quarter with three scores while holding them to very little offensively.  For me, the pressure was mounting for the young running backs to finally contribute something to our victory.  I think we answered the call and people will be forced to take our running game seriously.  Although sloppy, it was still a solid win and we will take the victory.  

Click this link for a radio interview.

Once again, our defense played light-out and kept us in the game.  I heard the "Turnover Cape" was out several times during the game, and I am happy about that.  I never get to see the cape celebrations, because we are going back on offense and it is time for me to get back to work.  I do hear the roar of the crowd approval, and that warms my heart.  My wife Marty loves to see her creation bring so much joy to the players and see how much the crowd appreciates the award.  

Big Week coming up  we are playing "The Muck" of Pahokee HS on Friday night.  Just google Pahokee football for any information you need about this famous program.  We have our hands full.  


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday Practice - Old memories

Not much to write about in the middle of the week....probably nothing you want to read about anyway.  A few weeks ago I had another encounter with a former player in Walmart.  After telling my daughter about it, she encouraged me to tell the story once again in this particular blog.  I had written about a previous encounter with some former players in a previous blog, so I am borrowing the story once again for this writing.  The story is innocent, but now days it would be labeled controversial.  Thats a shame too, because sometimes the relationship between a football coach and a player can be life-changing....for both parties.  

Coach Lou Holtz  

Many years ago, I attended a coaching clinic put on by the now defunct Coaches USA organization in St. Louis Missouri.  I was excited to attend a special motivation and Q&A session taught by Lou Holtz who (at the time) was the Head Coach of Notre Dame. If you have never heard this guy speak, put this on your bucket list on things to do.  Despite his slight lisp and small stature, Holtz is a powerful speaker.  Of course me being a huge Notre Dame fan, it was probably the most exciting day in my coaching career.  I am still a huge Holtz fan to this day.  I specifically asked Coach Holtz about special teams of his strong points.  I stated that I always had issues with finding a good kicker year after year.  Coach Holtz said: "If you are looking for a kicker, go visit the soccer team."  Hmmmm.  Good idea. 

Kickoff Team 

Some time ago,  I did some work out in our Fellsmere Community. I looked outside to my truck, and I saw four of my former football players looking at my truck and obviously waiting for me to come outside. I walked outside to nice reunion with my former Hispanic (Mexican) football players.  We laughed and joked around for a couple of minutes...and then one of the players stated: "Coach, Remember the Banditos?"   Then another player said: "Coach always loved the Mexican Players!"   Last Sunday I was visiting the local #Walmart when a man walked up to me (holding the hand of a young boy) and said: "Hello Coach" ....then he explained to the little boy who I was.   For the life of me I could not place the face with a name.  Once I discovered who he was, I asked the question: "Were you a Bandito??"  He said: "I will ALWAYS be a Bandito Coach!   I hugged the young father with genuine love.  It was great to get my memories working again.  

I was coaching on the JV level at Sebastian River High School with Coach Dan Smith...That year, we had about twenty (20) hard working hispanic kids on our team.  I used to ask the kids: "Who can kick?'  Of course, hispanic soccer kids will always tell you about the player with the best leg.  I would enthusiastically recruit this kid to kick for us....remembering the lesson Coach Holtz taught me previously.  Generally, Coach Smith put me in charge of kickoff team, so he left me alone to do the long as the job was done, Dan had nothing to say.  he was a great guy to work for. 

The Mexican kids WORKED HARD trying to learn football.  Facts are that in the hispanic community, its all about soccer....not football.  So, the sport is not embedded in their background like it is here.  The kids were generally behind the learning curve, but they were like sponges absorbing everything we were teaching.  I just loved their work ethic....and they knew I loved them. 

Once I found a kicker, I started surrounding him with his friends.  next thing ya know, I had an entire Mexican Kickoff Team ready to go.  These kids took great pride in their special team...and I nick named them: "The Banditos"  The KIDS LOVED the special identity....and each kid fought hard to be a "Bandito" and it was great fun to watch.  These kids would actually speak Spanish on the field and point to the opposing players.  Naturally, no one else would know what the hell they were talking about.  The players would take the field and say: "Los Tiburones:  Esta Listo?  This means: "SHARKS, are you ready?"  They all would yell:  "SI" and kick off the ball.  MAN it was fun to watch these kids throw their bodies around to make sure the team was successful.  I wanted to have Banditos Tee Shirts made and everything.  

Soccer Style Kicker 

I told Coach Smith I wanted to go with an All-Mexican kickoff team.  Dan was not too sure if Coach Bethel would go for it... he was sort of worried about being politically correct and all.  Dan told me to ask Bethel.  I told Randy of my plans, and he quickly nixed it. Randy said: "MAN, are you trying to get me fired? You can't do that!"  So, I officially dismantled the "Banditos"...sort of.  I would still use them, but it was a sort-of underground thing on our team. Dan was in charge of the kickoff return team, so I would line up the "Banditos" to run a live kickoff team for our return drill.  It was great practice for our team.  I think Dan's special team ran back 3 or 4 kicks that year, and I am sure the "Banditos" contributed to the success.  Occasionally I would sneak them into a game and they would do just fine.  

Now days when I think back on this, I guess it was a little controversial at the time, but it was never intended to be that way.  I can see Randy's concern of the feedback possibilities. I was just trying to keep the hispanic players interested and involved with their own special identity...sort of a badge of honor.  There was nothing racial about it. Most of these kids rarely saw the field, so I was attempting to get everyone some playing time.  Most of you guys know I don't see color or race anyway....if a kid can play...he can play.  Now don't laugh at me, but I actually went to Soccer games that year and watched my "Banditos" play their native sport.....and you know something?  Coach Holtz was right.  It was great fun to watch my kids play a sport that I did not understand.  



Vero Beach Football  

We have began our weekly preparation for this weeks opponent:  Ft Lauderdale "The Flying L's"   This team is off to a quick start this year as well.  They are coming to us with a 3-0 record and scoring a lot of points.  This game will be a real test for our team, and I hope we can be competitive.  An undefeated football team in Florida should always be taken seriously.  

Our kids are practicing very well this week so far.  We are getting back most of our injured players, and we seem to be healthy.  Tuesday practices are my favorite. We practice in full gear so there is a little more action on the field along with the pad-popping.  We do gear-down the hitting a little bit however.  No blocking below the waist, no hitting the QB (I think this may be a death sentence) and no taking a tackle to the ground.  As hard as we try....boys will be boys and things tend to be a little spicy at times.   Wednesday practice is very similar to Tuesday practice.  We will practice again in full gear, but hitting will be tapered down.  Thursday practice is very light.  This day is know as On/Off.  The kids are wearing only their helmets with matching cloth for the day.  We rehearse all of our special teams, Offensive game plan and a defensive game plans are also rehearsed.  This is also the day we start handing out game jerseys for the game.  The players are allowed to wear jerseys to school on this day only.   

Lineman Of The Week vs Dr Krop. 

John Moran 

Big John (Senior-Offensive Guard) has been a valuable addition to our team this year.  This 6'4" 340lb  powerhouse  had an outstanding game with several 'Pancake" blocks included. You may see him playing on Saturdays  next season.  

One final thing.  I cannot say enough good things about our booster club.  These hard working people actually feed our entire team four days a week after practice.  Anything we want or need will be provided for us.  The Boosters spoil all of us during the season, and I will be forever be appreciative for their efforts.  They are the very best group of volunteers I have ever been around.  Believe me, its not this way at all schools.   

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

WIN: 44-0

 I have been doing this coaching thing for 34 seasons now, so you would think that I would be getting tired of the routine and time commitments that coaching at this level (8A) requires.  I will admit that there are days that I flat-out do not feel like going to practice, and there are early mornings before practice that I lay in bed wondering why I am doing all this when I could be going fishing instead.  My knees hurt, and my bones ache.  I always have a headache from being out in the sun so long.  Once I step into our facility my wonders disappear.  I realize that being around the players, and being around the coaches is the very reason I am still coaching after all these years.  Someday when I retire all together, I will probably be hanging around the football field somewhere soaking in the medicine that keeps me going.  Football is my life, and football is my passion.  I was born to do this.


Vero Beach: 44  Dr Krop: 0 

Pre-Game pic of the stands

Ryan Jankowski working with Bobby in warmups 

Last night we defeated Miami Dr. Krop  (44-0) in a hard fought game played the Citrus Bowl.  Our kids dominated the opponent from the beginning, and we scored on offense, defense, and special teams.  We had a 44-0 lead heading into halftime; consequently, we had two ten minute quarters and a running clock the entire second half.  We had a chance to rest our starters for most of the game, and we also got a chance to play all of our players who are little further down the depth chart. Games like this blowout are difficult for any team involved.  I have been on both sides of a blowout win, and take it from me, the winning team has considerably more fun than the losing team.

Surprisingly, we had a pretty good week at practice.  The weather left us alone for the most part, and we got in some pretty good work.  I have been focusing on getting my kids better each week.  You really can't teach each a good athlete how to run.  By now, his natural athletic ability has taken over.  What you can do is teach the fundamentals and try to get them perfect.  Everything from his stance in the backfield, the way he carries the ball, and his body language comes into scrutiny.   Fact is that I cannot see his vision on the field....I cannot see what he sees in the field of battle.  However, if I can teach him the fundamentals, and teach him where the holes are supposed to be, then his natural athleticism will take over.  Also, in our offensive system, ball catching ability is a must.  This may or may-not be a challenge for any coach.   Luckily, most skill kids can catch a long as they can see the ball coming.  This year we have a player who wears vision goggles.  Bobby can catch anything when he has then on; however, if he forgets to bring them, it is always an adventure.  I have learned to never take anything for granted.


This was my house this morning as I left for work.  The Turnover Cape was in my garage airing out after being soaked by sweat and water from last night's game.  The lineman-of-the-week belt is resting on my cedar chest awaiting the results of this week's winner.  My wife Marty will check the cape for any damage, and repair it if necessary.  She will add the belt winner's name to the belt once we find out the results.  So, as you can see, Vero Beach Football is never far away at my house.  



Saturday, September 1, 2018


My Boys (L-R)  Daoovan-Logan-Bryan-Bobby)  

MY boys....sounds funny doesn't it?  Years ago I remember my daughter Kristin estimated she had about fifteen hundred (1500) brothers who once played for me.  I guess by now the number is well over two thousand  (2000) considering I have been doing this for 34 years.  I do feel like all these boys are my kids, and I try to connect with each of them personally if I can.  Afterall, these are SOMEBODY'S kids, so I try to be that role model for them on the field.  It's not always easy, but it is always rewarding for me to see the players mature and perform on the field while I try to teach them "Lessons In Life" along the way.  Teaching these life lessons are part of our job as coaches, and it is much more difficult  than teaching the X's and 0's.  I always like to tell the kids: "High School Football Only Lasts Four Years, But You Will Spend The Rest Of Your Life Remembering It!" 

Bryan on a nice run!  

Vero Beach: 46 Wellington 0

Last night we beat Wellington 46-0 in the Citrus Bowl.  Do not let the score fool you, Wellington was a big and athletic team deserving of their undefeated record.  For most of the first half, they went toe to toe with us in this physical game.  However, our defense was playing very well, and our offense scored on most possessions.  Finally, our running game opened up and we started gashing them...of course that opened up our passing game.  If both parts of our game are clicking, then I think we are difficult to stop.  I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders a little bit, for I coach the running backs, and in my mind I was blaming myself for our lack of productivity rushing the ball.  Our offensive line is getting better and better each week, so running the ball is becoming a little easier.  Thank I may be able to sleep at night.  This team may surprise some people at the end of the year.  

Have you ever wondered what it is like on our electric sidelines on a Friday Night?   Our sidelines are like no other I have seen at a high school game.  It is noisy on our sideline. With our great band blasting, our cheerleaders chanting, and our huge crowd cheering,  normal verbal communication is very difficult.  Most of the time we are not yelling, we are trying to communicate with each other.  I am thankful I get to wear headphones, so my job is a bit easier.  Our sideline is also very crowded.  With the players, coaches,equipment, press, media, and guests, just navigating the sidelines is sometimes difficult.  This is where my signs are important, because the players can always find where they are supposed to be on special teams.  But, this is Vero Beach Fighting Indians Football...there is no place I would rather be.  

Turnover Cape 
Coach Rahal with Turnover Cape Inside 
Rahal With The Secret Case 

The Turnover Cape premiered at home for the first time on Friday Night.  My wife Marty (The Cape Creator) was in the stands, and she got to see the cape in all its glory for the first time.  Coach Rahal is having fun carrying the turnover case around with him before the game which works his players into a frenzy.  After halftime, I sarcastically mentioned to Rahal that we had no turnovers.  Two possessions later Jafari recovered a fumble, ran to the sideline,  and Rahal "Caped Him"  The crowd went crazy.  Then the flood gates opened and we had three other turnovers shortly after.   Each time, the crowd would chant: "Cape, Cape, Cape"  The players had great fun with it.  I was told the television (you-tube announcers) are looking for a sponsor for the cape and they are deciding on theme music to play on the jumbo tron for when it is awarded.  I am hoping for James Brown "I Feel Good" myself.  

All this hoopla for a simple idea that went viral.  I love this program.