Saturday, October 27, 2018

District Champions: Sebastian Next!

Last night we defeated district rival Ft. Pierce Central 51-13 to bring our record to 9-0 for the year.  This victory secured another district championship for us. Our post bye-week, well-rested kids were ready to play.  We jumped on them pretty quickly and just kept our foot on the gas.  Our defense was smothering once again, and even our special teams contributed big time to the team win.  I know 'The Turnover Cape" was brought out several times last night, so that alone shows we had a good game.  I love watching our defense play football.  Our kids fly all over the field and make have fun doing it.  The defensive coaches are doing a great job with this bunch.  


"Bryan...I Need 100 Yards Tonight"  

I knew once these words left my mouth that Bryan was soaking it all in.  In fact, all my kids looked like they were ready to play last night.  Sure enough, Bryan opened the running game with 35 yards on his first carry.  Bryan finished the game with 108 yards rushing on eight carries.  My other running backs both had good nights too.  Daonovan Gilcrist  had 57 Yards rushing and Bobby MacMillan added a few more.  It was great to see these kids in the game....and it was even better knowing my group contributed our share to the team win.  Very proud of all my kids today.  


Did you ever wonder what the players and coaches are watching on the television located on the sideline?  I am very busy before every game...  I usually come to the field about an hour before the team and other coaches come over.  I start by setting up the antennas and routers for our HUDL instant replay system  in the endzone.  Then, I go to the press box and set up the HUDL equipment up there as well.  My buddy, Chris Hiser sinc's his camera to my stuff and then we fire it all up.  Once running, HUDL sends a signal to I Pads on the sideline, and I have hooked these I pads up to a large screen TV mounted on a rolling cart.   We have the ability to instantly show (a group of players) any previous play (usually series)  and make adjustments.   Instant replay has changed the way we coach no doubt....  In the old days, adjustments were made on a dry erase board based on what we as coaches THINK we may have seen.  Players may not be a great fan of the instant replay system, but the coaches sure love it.  Afterall, "The Eye In The Sky Does Not Lie"  

Sebastian Next.  More on that later.  

Big week for me. 


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