Wednesday, October 17, 2018


I remember when my life changed.  Not only do I remember the day (October 17, 2005) I remember the very second that my life changed forever.  

Thinking back on it, I was probably not a very good father.  I was self-centered, arrogant, selfish, and unbearably controlling.  The only things that mattered to me were football, my business, and my kids (Kristin and Michael)  I missed out on many of their activities  when they were younger because I was always on the field during these times. Kids should not have to spend their Halloween at the practice field...and I should have been there during dance recitals, awards banquets, home coming etc..  I thought that since both my kids were raised on the football field, this time should be counted as "family time".... but I was wrong.  I regret my decisions.  Little did I know there would be a second chance in my life.  

My daughter Kristin had just graduated with a Master's degree from Vanderbilt University.  She had just started her career when she announced she was getting married. Needless to say I was not a happy camper because we had spent a small fortune with her education, and I felt she should get on farther with her career.  However, I lost that battle (rightfully so) and she got married.  Soon afterward, she announced she was going to have a baby.  Again, I was not too happy about Kristin being pregnant and let my feelings be known.  Kristin firmly taught me the difference between being "Knocked Up" (as I put it,) and being "Pregnant" (as normal people would put it.)  She rightfully put me in my place....and I deserved it.  

During the pregnancy I was not very helpful.  I did not participate in any of the festivities that go along with a pregnant daughter.  I thought I was too young to be a grandfather...and I thought Kristin  should be focusing on her career.  I was a total jerk about the whole thing.  

October 17th, 2005 started out like any other day. Kristin was due to have the baby that afternoon because she was being induced.  I also had football practice that afternoon, so I would not be at the hospital to see the baby born.  I heard the baby was born while at practice,  Later that evening,  I went to the hospital to see Kristin.  I sat in the little chair beside her bed and engaged in idle chitchat while playing on my phone.  Kristin announces: "I will be right back daddy"  I thought she was going to the ladies room or something.  Minutes later, Kristin appeared in the doorway with a small bundle of blankets....she walked over to my chair and simply said: "Here Daddy"  I felt the blood draining from my body... My life had just changed!

I was looking at the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.  Kristin named the baby Kelsey.  I wept as I looked at that baby with her perfect face and cute little hands.  My heart was melting and I could feel the anger leaving my body.  All of a sudden nothing else was as important to me as that baby was.  I was already becoming an obsessed Pawpaw.  All I wanted to do was stare at her and hold her.  Kelsey reminded me so much of Kristin, and perhaps this was my chance to be a good father again....and an even better grandfather.  Kristin will often ask me: "Who Are You?" when she sees me interact with Kelsey.  lol  

Today nothing has changed.  I am still a very doting PawPaw, and I love this baby more than life itself.  Our relationship grew and Kelsey became my best buddy.  We are still very close, and we talk on the phone several times a week and text message quite often.  I get to see all the grandkids as often as I like, and I love them all.  But, I will always be indebted to the baby who changed my life forever. 

Happy 13th Birthday BB!  Thanks for changing my life!  

Love PawPaw 

1 comment:

  1. You love her and she loves you. You've made up for a million things and then some with how much you show up for and love your grandkids. Love you, Dad. Glad I could change your life with this one. Can't believe she is a teenager now, but absolutely still your buddy. <3
