Monday, November 19, 2018

Lost: 19-7

I dropped my head as the clock ticked down the final few seconds of the game.  Practicing on Thanksgiving Day was just not going to happen this year.  I removed my headphones and thought briefly about not joining the team handshake line.  I just wanted to start my post game ritual of collecting the things I am responsible for after each game.  But, this is not what we teach our players about sportsmanship, so I sucked it up and congratulated the opposing team for their well-deserved victory.  Truthfully, I wanted to throw up, for my emotions were getting the best of me as I slowly walked to our sideline pondering my future as a football coach. it really going to end like this?  

We had a great week of practice leading up to the game.  The kids seemed loose while we put in the game plan for Dr. Phillips (DRP) .  However, the game itself did not go exactly as planned.  Just as we figured, the defending state champions were very physical, with lots of athletes on both sides of the ball.  They were very well coached and pretty much controlled the game from the very start.  Our kids fought hard, but DRP was the better team on Friday night.  Still, the bitterness of defeat is tough to swallow for a bunch of kids who are not used to getting beat.  

"Coach, It Went By So Fast"  

A high school football career only lasts four years.....and believe me, the time passes rapidly.  When I started at VB four years ago, these kids were incoming freshmen.  Now, they have become young men heading off into adult life.  As you might imagine, emotions were pouring out of some of these kids as they got hugs and handshakes from each coach.  There may have been a tear or two by some of the coaches as well.  I will never get used to this gut wrenching moment, but I guess this is what makes us human.  Love is not a word used on the gridiron very much, but I genuinely love my kids, and I do not like seeing them upset.  


To my boys: Bryan, Daonovan, Logan, and Bobby.  I am so proud of you all.  I will fondly remember coaching you guys this year.....and I love the personal relationship I have built with each of you.  I know at first you were probably thinking: "Who is this old guy coaching us this year?"  I hope I put your curiosity at ease, and I hope you realized I truly cared about each of you as a person....not just about you as a player.  This is sort of what my coaching style has morphed into the past few years.  I appreciate the total respect each of you have given me this year; naturally, this is a clear sign of how you were raised by your parents.  There is a place in my heart for each of you, and a place in my heart for our group as a whole.  Going to miss you.  


I want to thank our BOOSTER CLUB for their total support this entire season.  We have the best booster club in the State without a doubt.  You have spoiled us rotten the entire season, and for this I am so grateful.  Sure makes our life easier as a coach.  I am happy to call each of you a friend from now on.  Also, special thanks to our buddies at Christian FM for supporting our football program like you do.  Our broadcast team is second to none.  Keep putting out those PODCASTS too.  

Finally, I want to thank my wife Marty for putting up with me again this season. Without her, my football coaching ideas would never come to life.  Marty helped me design The Championship Belt (for lineman) The Turnover Cape, and The Field Signs.  She has sewed more uniforms than I can count, and she has cooked for the coaches (on Sundays) so many times.  I always say: "I have A Great Football Wife."  For her, I am grateful.  

With this, I am closing out this blog for 2018.  I have just finished my 34th season of coaching.  I have no idea of what my future holds.  I am tired.  Right now I want to recharge my batteries, maybe get my knee fixed, and do a little fishing.  Maybe 35 years is possible afterall.    

Thanks For Reading!  


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Round 1 Playoff VICTORY

Last night we defeated Kissimmee Gateway 48-6 in the opening round of Florida's 8A playoffs.  Everything was clicking for us as we rolled up 501 in total offense.  Once again, our defense stepped up and shut Gateway down....pretty impressive considering Gateway came into the game averaging over 25 points per game from a good rushing and passing attack.  We were not perfect, and we still have some stuff to clean up for sure, but I feel really good about this team.  Is this our year?  I can't answer that, but I know for sure we are playing Dr. Phillips (at home) next Friday night.  I refuse to look any further than next week.

All four of my boys had a good night.

Bryan Primus Winston (#21)  once again carried the load rushing for 100 yards on some classic runs before being pulled just after halftime.

#28 Logan Amaral had a good night with some key blocks and a wildcat touchdown which featured his power.  Unfortunately, it was called back for a procedure call, but still it was nice.  

Daonovan Gilchrest (#27) had some great special teams play, to go along with his key rushes to close out the game.

Finally, Bobby McMillan (#8) showed what the future holds for VB Running backs as he scored on a nice 22 yard run, and gained significant yardage on a few other runs.  

You know, its funny, but I am like a proud father when my kids do well and contribute to a victory.  I do love these kids and celebrate when they do well.  


I am so blessed to be coaching at Vero Beach High School (VBHS) at this level, especially when so many coaches my age have been put out to pasture. I was feeling pretty pathetic just hanging out in the bleachers during my time off from coaching (when we left Sebastian River High School)  My dad had just died, and I had nothing left to motivate me anymore.  I felt like such a loser, especially considering my previous HS career at Sebastian was so rewarding.  Coach Bethel came to my rescue....finally my loyalty paid off.  Bethel arranged a meeting with (VBHS) Head Coach Lenny Jankowski, who gave me a job as a coach.  I had no specific responsibilities, but I was doing anything to prove myself  and help out where I could. I am a hard worker anyway, so making the lives of the regular coaches a little easier is where I could fit in.  I was learning the (VBHS) way of doing things, and I was learning Lenny's offensive system.  Finally, it happened.  There was an opening to coach running backs on our staff...and Lenny offered it to me.  I was thrilled, and I vowed  to coach the hell out of my group.  Afterall, I was taught by the dad....and Coach Bill Wilson Sr.  

I realize I was a long shot hire at best. I know Lenny took a chance that I may have something left in the tank for today's youth.  These kids are almost young enough to be my grandchildren.  Surely there are younger coaches who would love to be given a chance to coach in a premier program like ours, but I can offer something they do not have....thirty four years of experience!  I am having the time of my life.  Again, I am so blessed to be here at Vero Beach High School.  I take nothing for granted.  


Saturday, November 3, 2018

VICTORY 21-0 (vs Sebastian)

From the minute I arrived at the Citrus Bowl, I knew it was going to be a long night.  The wind was starting to pick up, and the heavy black storm clouds were rolling in.  Then our Thor-Guard (lightning meter) went off and the deluge was about to begin.  Here comes the rain.....and lots of it.  I had just set up all of our Hudl Equipment (Instant replay) and that stuff does not like to get wet.  I moved the equipment and placed it under a new Dyer Chevrolet Silverado parked in the endzone.  Hopefully, we could wait this storm out and get back to business.  Surprisingly, the lightning moved out of the area, so we were cleared to go back to the field...but the rain had other ideas.

Obviously the game was a sloppy mess.  It poured and poured rain the entire game. Naturally, we had issues throwing the wet slick ball, so we had to alter the game plan a bit.  Bryan had a good game on the ground gaining 140 yards or so.  Our QB Nick Celidonio still managed to hook up with Dee Harris (A University of Kentucky commit) for a endzone touchdown, and we ran for two more.  The defense shut Sebastian River down and did not allow them to score.

VBHS finished the season 10-0 and ranked #1 in 8A.  We are heading to the playoffs next week.  Sebastian River had nothing to play for except knocking off the #1 team in the area.  As expected, things got a little chippy on the field.  In Florida, if a player gets thrown out of a game by an official, he cannot play for the next six games.  In our case, that could possibly mean not playing the entire playoff season.  That could be devastating to our team.  We spent much of the game trying to control the situation and keep our kids from retaliating.  We have so much football ahead of us, so that would be stupid.  All and all it was a wet,sloppy win....but we got out of the game healthy and victorious despite the distractions.

On Sunday, the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) will announce the playoff pairing brackets for the entire state.  In Florida, each team is ranked according to your strength of schedule.  The winners of each district are automatically given a playoff spot (1-4).   Then, the teams with the most points are ranked accordingly (5-6-7-8).  We play in the 8A North Region.  This same thing is happening in several regions across the state in all classifications.  So, teams ranked #1 should play a #8 ranked team and so forth (1 vs 8) (2 vs 7) (3 vs 6) (4 vs 5)  It is important we keep the #1 ranking (in all of Florida) to insure home field advantage the entire playoff series.  Sounds confusing doesn't it?  It is, but its our system and we have to deal with it.  Consequently, it has assured that each team making the playoffs deserves to be there, and there are no weak teams competing anymore.  Each playoff team starts on (0-0), so we have to be on our game every week from now on.  Lose one and your done.