Friday, July 31, 2020

I am a Lucky Man.

There are people out there who who have an issue with our mascot, and they are trying to force us to change our name much like The Washington Redskins were forced to do.  There is actually an internet page taking votes on whether we should change it or keep it.  The last time I looked, the voting was not even close....I guess we are going to be The Fighting Indians for some time to come.  I would be so disappointed if we caved in and were forced to change our mascot and our name to something stupid.  

I may have one of the best specialty position jobs in the country...let me explain my reasoning.  Vero Beach High School is certainly one of the best football programs in the state of Florida, and perhaps one of the best football programs in the entire country.  I coach the running backs for this program; therefore, according to my reasoning, I must have one of the best coaching positions in the country!  Makes sense...right?  

Bobby McMillan - Senior RB  

The above photo is one of my players when he was a 10th grader.  He was just a pup when this photo was taken, but he has matured into quite an athlete.  Under The Coach Bethel weight program, Bobby has put on about 25 lbs of good football weight, grown a few inches, and has kept his speed....a deadly combination.  If he stays healthy, Bobby will make some real noise this year.  

I do not have photos of the rest of my running back group yet this year, but rest assured I will get some and introduce each of them on this blog.  So, OMAR, REGGIE, QUINCY.....your time is coming.  Nothing is set in stone about the depth chart yet, for this season has not even started.  But I will say this:  We are a talented group.  Probably the deepest backfield I have ever had  to start the season.  
Can I say this???  I love all these boys like they are my own sons.  I care about each of them both on and off the field.  I will coach the hell out of them on the field, but I will treat them like my sons off the field.  

I guess I am getting soft.  


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