Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Great Way To End

 I have not been writing much this season, and to be honest, I have just been too busy to do so.  This Covid-19 football season has totally wore me out.  Aside from my coaching duties, I have been extremely busy at my business.  Usually my day starts at 7am and I end up back at my house at 10pm or so. Then, I end up watching film of some type (game, scout or practice) most every night.  It starts all over the next day.   This is the price I paid for 37 years doing what I loved most in this world...coaching football! 

Year 2018  

I have a story to tell, so please indulge me.  I am the running backs coach for Vero Beach High School (VBHS) I consider this to be one of the best position jobs in the State....if not the entire country.  It is widely known that VBHS is a quality program.  Naturally, I get to work with some pretty serious athletes. When I started coaching RB's for VBHS three year's ago,  Coach Jankowski gave me this skinny kid (#8 Bobby McMillian ) to groom. I was not very impressed at first.  Big thick glasses, skinny legs, not all that fast, not very strong, and had an issue hanging onto the ball.  Back then he weighed about 140 -150 lbs. He was playful, he would poke at me and run.  He was just a fun kid to have around. Bobby was just a puppy, like a Golden Retriever Puppy... full of energy, but he still drove me crazy!   Through it all, I could see some talent there. I really liked this kid! He rapidly began to improve.  


Bobby waited his turn to start playing for us.  He had a decent second (Junior)  year but had some ankle issues which really slowed him down, so he played behind a senior most of the year.  At the end of last season, Bobby asked me what I wanted him to weigh this year to start the season, because he wanted to get a college scholarship.  I said (185-190 lbs) would be about right.  After an outstanding off-season in Bethel's weight room,  I was shocked when Bob came in at a solid (185 - 190lbs)...and strong! I just knew if Bobby had a solid year, he could be playing on Saturday somewhere.  

Then Covid 19 hit....and it changed everything.  We could not have Spring Football; naturally, the college recruiters were not allowed on campus.  We could not have our regular 7 on 7 off-season passing workouts either.  Basically, colleges could not see any of our players...including Bobby.  That worried me, and I am sure it worried most the boys too.  Usually, our practice field is crawling with recruiters.  However, I am responsible for just my position group, so together Bobby and I formed a plan. Really, the plan was pretty simple.  I asked him to practice hard every day.  We began filming every practice and uploading it to QwikCuts so everyone could see it....even the college recruiters could watch it they wanted to see a player, so to me, it was important that we practiced hard.  It was important that we practiced the little things....take nothing for granted.   It was important that Bobby become a leader on the field.  

The Plan: 

1.Be A Leader on / off the field 
2. Weight and strength gain which was already completed. (Randy Bethel...Thanks)  
3. Run our drills at 100%  Take Nothing For Granted 
4. Condition every day (Getting better)  
5. Know what you look like on video (the eye in the sky don't lie) 
6. Avg 7 yards per carry. 
7. Smell The Goal line 
9.  Hug Your Mother everyday.  (Keep Mom Happy) 

I figured if Bobby would do all these little things, the big things would take care of themselves.  Bobby worked hard all season.  All year we kept talking about "The Plan"  "Bob would mess up on something, and I would say: "That's not part of the plan!" All these little things produced some pretty impressive numbers for Bobby....including scoring over twenty touchdowns.  Coach Jankowski (HC) did not have to yell at me too much this year, so I am sure he was pleased with Bobby as well.  The season ended...and we waited.  Would the colleges show up?  Would Bobby be rewarded for following "The Plan?"  

(L-R) Davon Hicks, Bobby McMillian, Travonte O'Neal, Keanu Koht 

Today was national signing day, and we had four players up on stage signing paperwork for a full Division 1 scholarships. 

* Davon Hicks:  South Florida
* Bobby McMillian: Arkansas State 
* Travonte O'Neal:  Florida International University 
* Keanu Koht:  University of Alabama  

I am so proud of ALL these kids I can't stand it.  All four of these kids are home-grown talent, and they all are being rewarded for their efforts and dreams.  However, I am a position Coach....and Bobby was my position group, so I am going to say something a little extra about him .  

I have been coaching running backs for many years....I came from The Bill Wilson School of Running Backs.  I have seen and coached some great athletes....perhaps a few even better than Bobby McMillian.  But NO PLAYER (in my history) has worked harder to get better than Bobby McMillian.  His hard work has paid off in a big way. His coaches at the next level will love him...just like I have loved him for the past three years.  I consider him my different than my Grandson.  I could not be more proud of him.     

I am now a HUGE Arkansas State Fan.  

It's Been Fun.  

"Coach" George 

Monday, September 21, 2020

RIP Coach Wilson . Going to Miss You Dank



"How Can You Coach Them All The Same, When You Don't Know Whats Going On At The House??  You Better Have A Little Rubber In Your Rules! 

Then, I got punched in the chest with that big ring he wore on one finger.  The message Coach Wilson was sending was clear...and it changed my coaching life forever.  

Coach Bill Wilson (Dank) died last evening at 11:55 pm.  He was such a great mentor in my Coaching career, and even today I use his lessons every single day on the football field.  The Bill Wilson School Of Running Backs is alive and well at Vero Beach High School.  I will get my thoughts together and put it in writing later this week.  

Rest In Peace Coach.  I will see you on the other side someday.  

Sunday, September 20, 2020



We defeated Port St. Lucie 35-0 on Friday night to start our regular season.  It was not perfect, but we played fairly well all things considered.  It was great way to start an abnormal and already strange season.  Next game vs Centennial (away) Friday night.  Don't ask me about one really knows.  

Covid 19 has played havoc with the school systems and with the football season.  I am not going to write much more boring stuff about this headache, but we are settling into our new normal ...not that we have much of a choice.  Our entire schedule had to be reworked...we are now playing more of a local schedule.  Only 1000 people (players and fans) are allowed into our home stadium.  This alone is a huge adjustment for everyone here, because we generally sell out every game.  We now have to wear face masks on the sideline, and its miserable.  We can no longer use our water machines on the sideline.  Now we have to use individual bottles of water for our athletes.  Covid shutdowns is always a concern now days.  Right now I just hope to get in a semi-regular football season.  Kids need team sports now more than ever, and I am going to make the best of it and finish with a strong season.  Can we talk a little football now?  
(L-R)  Bobby, OMAR, Reggie, Quincy   

These are MY BOYS, my position group, The Running Backs.  I really like this bunch of kids, and they are all very talented.  I jokingly call this bunch "The Glory Boys" because they will get a lot of press during the season.  But, I also teach them to be humble, love your mother, be respectful, and ALWAYS thank your offensive linemen.  WE DO NOT FUMBLE...


Bobby McMillan (Senior Night) 
Omar G.  (Senior Night )  

Bobby McMillan:  (Sr.  RB)  Bob was just a puppy when I got him three years ago.  Young skinny kid, but his talent was coming through.  Now days Bob is a well developed and powerful RB who will be playing on a Saturday somewhere.  Any school would be lucky to have him.  At the end of last year, Bob asked me how much he should weigh for his senior season.  I sort of half-jokingly said 190 lbs...knowing he was about  175 lbs at the time.   After a winter of good Bethel work, Bob came in at a powerful 190 lbs...and had not lost a step.  In fact, he is even faster.  A great combination.  

OMAR G:  (Sr. RB)  Sorry, I can't spell his last name.  OMAR is one of the smartest kids we have on Offense.  I also had him for a little bit three years ago....I was wondering who the kid was with a mohawk haircut?  he was playing on the JV last year, and when I had the chance to grab him last year I did.  Omar is a Coach on the field, and someday I really believe he would be a great coach.  I love having him with me.  

Reggie Ferguson:  (Junior RB)  Started working with Reggie last year when he was a tenth (10th) grader.  Reggie is a different type of runner than Bobby.  Reggie is taller RB with long legs. I can't believe how much he has grown over the past year.  Big wide shoulder, thin waste, thicker in the hips...and just plain powerful.  Reggie is my other "Coach On The Field" and shares his knowledge.  Reggie has a goal of playing college and pro football,  and I would not be surprised to see him at all levels.  I am constantly negotiating with other coaches to get him on the field somewhere.  Reggie is paying his "Vero" dues right now, and you will see him quite a bit this year...but next year?  Watch Out!  

Quincy Rogers:  (Soph. RB)  My youngster.  I used to coach his older brother Bryan Primus Winston.  Quincy is very talented, and I can see him progressing and maturing everyday.  Quincy is like a sponge and soaks up everything you show him.  This young man can/will be very dangerous on the field.  

I love my group,  I have asked the older boys to help me make corrections with the younger guys...make sure we protect (with knowledge) our group as a whole.  We all will make corrections....we all will remind each other to protect the ball.  If Bobby makes a good run, we all celebrate.  If Reggie crushes someone with a block, we all celebrate with him.  Good or bad, we are a tight group.  

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Popsicles and Football

Funny thing about Popsicles or Fun Pops.  After a tough day working out in 100 degree heat, these magical frozen treats turn huge football players into little boys once again.  Last Friday is was blistering hot on our practice field.  Everyone (Players and Coaches) were dripping with sweat and exhausted after our last Summer workout before regular season practice begin.  Then, my wife Marty pulls up with a huge cooler FULL of these frozen Fun Pops.  Then it amazing transformation happened before my eyes...



At least in my eyes anyway.  One of the great things about being a coach is watching these kids grow up.  It was not that long ago that our players were all this little.  Just the way our players lined up for their share of the Fun Pops took be back in time....and it was wonderful. 


Monday, August 24, 2020

New Beginnings: Day 1


New 2020 Lineman Of The Week Belt

This is the new 2020 version of the "Lineman Of The Week" award.  This is the forth version of this weekly award, and I think it keeps getting better and better.  This award is reserved STRICTLY for offensive one else is eligible to win the prestigious weekly prize.  Here is the story of it's beginning.  

It all starts when these kids are in Youth Leagues.  As the teams form, a Coach will often spread his/her  coaches around the field and say:  OK....all running backs go with Coach so and so.  All QBs go with Coach so and so.  All defensive players go with Coach so and so.  All wide receivers go with Coach so and so (usually the largest group)    Finally, all Offensive Linemen go with Coach so and so.....but there is generally no one left to go.  Even at that age, no one wants to play on the offensive line.  This job is considered boring and usually taken for granted.  However, every Coach knows the big boys up front are the most important people on the entire offense.  Without them the offense cannot run.  I needed to change this; thus, the belt was born.  

I knew the weekly award had to be special.  I purchase the blank leather belts from an awards supplier  My wife Marty decorates the belt with designs dictated by some of the Senior Linemen on the team.  Marty can do just about anything with her Silhouette vinyl cutting machine.  Each belt is unique to each year.  This year Elijah Bacon (Sr Offensive Tackle) decided this years theme.....(Indians and Pancakes)  Then, I turn the belt over to the players. After each game, the players are graded on their performance.  The player who grades the highest  has his name added to the belt, and the winner gets to keep the belt for a week.  He can take it anywhere he wishes... to school, to church, to a restaurant....wherever.  The belt has become a symbol to their hard work, and it is a reminder of how much we appreciate them   They fight for it....and I love that.  

Past Winners: (Sorry If I missed You....ran out of space. )  

Louie Rahal  


Austin Maxwell 

Carlos Perez

Jarvis Jones 

Carlos Perez 

Jarvis Jones  

We have officially started football practice for this year.  We are working under strict COVID 19 restrictions, but it's still football.  I will get into our local schedule later this week, but rumor has it that we will be playing a State Powerhouse in week one (September 11th)  We are still waiting for confirmation.  

I will write again tomorrow.  Day 1 is in the books.  


Sunday, August 16, 2020

FINALLY! New Year-New Life!

2017 Lineman Of The Week Belt

Not much to write about until recently.  FINALLY, we were given clearance to start regular (if there is such a thing) football practice on July 24th.  We have been waiting for this day since we were ordered off school grounds in March.  We are way behind.  We missed Spring Football practice.  We missed our Spring football game.   We missed 7 on 7 over the Summer.....dozens of them.   We had to adapt to these new Covid19 and Social Distancing regulations.  We have learned new ways to keep our kids and our staff safe.  We have worked out close to 175 kids all summer without any problems, so I guess we are doing a decent job.  One more week of summer conditioning, then we can put on a helmet and get back to the new normal....whatever that may be.  I am sure we are not alone at being behind...everyone is behind no doubt  So, it will probably take us a few weeks to come up to speed along with everyone else.....I hate being sloppy though.  I guess I am allowed to say that.  

Generally speaking Vero Beach Football plays a pretty good statewide schedule against known football powers.   This year will be different for everyone.  We are going to play a local Treasure Coast schedule against other local teams.  I am looking forward to this; for Its been a few years since I have seen some of the teams we will be playing.  During this time of a Pandemic, this is a way to keep our athletes playing in the Treasure Coast bubble,  and not travel so much to other areas that may  be having a hard time with outbreaks.  We will still be playing all of our normal district opponents, but I am not sure how the playoff system works yet.  I will find out shortly.  

This is my Granddaughter KELSEY, and she is a cheerleader at NEASE High School up in St Augustine.  This whole Pandemic thing has affected every high school in the State.  Even the cheerleaders had to make adjustments to keep themselves safe in our strange new normal.  Kelsey is my oldest grandbaby...and I probably owe my life to her.  This one little baby changed my life, and she made me realize that life offers so much more than a oblong pigskin being tossed and run up and down a 100 yard field of grass.  Unknown to me, I have changed my coaching style along with Kelsey's arrival.  I may have a little more patience with my athletes, and I may approach problem solving a little differently.  Without Kelsey changing my life, I would probably not be writing this...I probably would have been dead.  God knows what he is doing for sure.  

Kelsey and Kirby....Football Sisters.  

You know....I was a pretty lousy father when I think about it.  Because of my obsession with my football, my two kids were raised on the athletic fields..  Both of my kids (Kristin and Michael) practically learned how to walk on the gridiron.  I remember them missing Halloween because we spent too mush time at the practice field preparing for an opponent.  We never had fancy family vacations because of my obligations to my football family over the summer. The one vacation we did have was to South Bend Indiana to see the Notre Dame campus.  I was obsessed with football, and I do regret it...sort of. 

Kristin....My Daughter.  

This is my daughter you think she and Kelsey look alike?  As much as I regret raising my kids on the athletic field, Kristin and Joe (her husband) and doing the same thing with their kids.  Kristin has told me that she probably had/has hundreds of brothers over the years, and she never had to worry too much with her football family (coaching staff) looking after her at school.  Coaching does have advantages for a father.  

Kristin will be mad at me for posting a photo of her without permission.  I don't care....I will take my chances.  


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Too Young For Decisions

One bad thing about getting older is that no one really asks for your advice anymore.  I guess our old-school answers may no longer have much value to the newer generation.  Yes....sometimes the younger generation will listen to you, but I am not  sure how many will actually "HEAR" you.  I remember my Dad used to say: "I'm Just A Dumbass"  and I never really understood what he was talking about.  Today was different I got to play a different I got to play  "PawPaw" and my experience and advice was asked for.  Felt good to be heard.  

This is my Grandson Grice.  He is the 8 year old son of my daughter Kristin and her husband Joe.  They all live in St Augustine about 2.5 hours up the road.  My boy Grice (Dawg) is quite the baseball athlete himself...he has been playing travel ball this summer all over North Florida.  He is a catcher and center fielder, and he also swings a pretty wicked bat.  Obviously, his coaches want him to continue playing baseball this fall, and I think there may be a little pressure for him to do so.  Truthfully, this is kind of pissing me off.  

Today I got a phone call from his dad wanting some advice.  Like I stated earlier, Grice is feeling a little pressure to play baseball, but his Dad Joe (A former QB who played for me at SRHS) is a second year youth league football coach.  Obviously, he wants his own son to play some football and be introduced to the sport.  I could not agree more.  My feeling is that GRICE may LOVE to play tackle football, but then again, he may not...he won't know until you introduce the sport to him.  When Grice finishes the season, he will be able to say if he likes it or not.  If not, then he can always go back to baseball....even if its regular Little League.  Don't put any more pressure on the boy.  Sounds funny huh?  Especially coming from me. Apparently people take this travel baseball thing pretty seriously.  

I am a football coach no doubt....and I know his daddy is a football guy too. I won't lie, I would LOVE to see Grice play some football.  I would have something else to talk about with him. Maybe I could even offer some tips.and coach him up myself!!!  NO....WAIT.... I would not do that.  I would stay in the end zone with my daughter Kristin (who is a female version of myself) and just watch....and keep my overbearing mouth shut.  I just want to be PawPaw......not Coach PawPaw.  
