Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday Jitters

Getting My Stuff Ready  

Fall Football officially begins tomorrow morning at 8am. I am pretty excited.  I have all these ideas (in my head) of things we need to work on, so I doubt I will be able to sleep much tonight.  This was a major advantage of attending the FCA Camp last gave us a really good look at our team before we officially start practice.  We have some work to do for sure, but I think we will be solid.  I will make absolutely sure my kids (RB's) are ready.  We have a great staff, so I am positive each of them is saying the exact same thing tonight.  I am really humbled to be among these great coaches. I do not want to disappoint them. 

I have been using the same "Fox 40" Classic whistle for about 15 is well seasoned and I love how it sounds.  It is well chewed on, and remnants of spit and sweat of season's past are stuck in every crevice.  Yeah, it looks gross, but that's OK.  My old friend is a pealess whistle, and just a quick blast from this thing is usually enough to get things started or stopped depending on the situation.  I also use a stop watch.  I never use it for actually timing anything, but I do use it to tell time.  I have never been able to wear a regular wrist watch.  I always end up tearing it off my wrist and ruining the band.  So, this cheap thing does the trick for me.  It is imperative I have a watch or some way to tell time, for everything on Coach J's  practice plan is closely planned,  so you must be at your next duty station ready to go on time.   The marker pen is just for on-field notes.  I learned years and years ago NOT to carry a playbook on the practice field at any time, especially for instruction purposes. How can you teach a player how to run a play if you don't know it yourself?  

Busy week coming up.  


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