Thursday, July 26, 2018

Camp Was Great

We have just returned back from the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Football Camp which this year was held at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida.  The facilities were very good, and the school  did its best to accommodate all the team's players and coaches.  The weather was BRUTAL...temperatures and humidity in the high 90's, and rain threatened both days.  We had several rain and lightning delays.  The ice-cold air conditioning in the rooms felt like heaven after each session.  This little school cafeteria also fed each person three meals a day (buffet style)

Basic Dorm Rooms  

The dorm rooms were pretty standard for college dorm rooms.  Each room was divided in the middle by a bathroom and shower.  The shower was great, and water pressure was fantastic.  This year I roomed with Pete McDonald and Pete Deluke on the other side.  Its worked out well, and I enjoyed the time together....even though we were all exhausted at the end of the day.  The air conditioning made for a great night's sleep.   

Nice Campus  
Turf Fields 

Dining Facility  

We had a very nice showing at the camp against some pretty strong competition.  We are a little nicked up here and there,  but most of the kids came through the brutal good shape. We do have one player in the hospital for an overnight stay.  The receiver caught the ball on a quick out route and took a wicked shot under the rib area.  Initially, we thought he had the wind knocked out of him, but it turns out he has a suspected bruised lung.  It was a clean shot, and I consider it part of football.  No one ever said football was not a violent sport.  Our player will be fine....a very tough kid.  The competition itself was extreme.  Imagine playing a full contact football game against strong competition for two days straight.  

Let me talk about my running backs for a second.  We have a ways to go, but I think this group is going to be very good.  My goals for these kids are simple.  I want Coach J to be completely at ease with any one of my kids who happen to be in the game at any given time.  I do not want him to be forced to call plays around the kids I'm responsible for.  I am very excited for my kids.  

Finally, I want to say something about our booster club.  Our boosters kept us well fed and hydrated the entire camp.  They prepared travel bags for each camp participant.   They provided food, snacks, water, and sports drinks for each participant between games, after games, and even during games. It sure makes our job easier on the field.  Believe me, it's not like this everywhere.  It's amazing how many teams showed up this week without anything for their kids....not even water to drink.  Our booster club spoils us rotten.  These great people provided for our every need, and for that I am so grateful.  I will never forget your kindness.  

More Tomorrow.  I am exhausted.  


1 comment:

  1. That is great. The FCA camp is always a god experience and it give you a few extra days before the grind begins. I am exhausted from the summer but I am ready to get to work. Proud of you and I wish you the best!
