Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Day Before Camp

Today we re-assembled all of our weight lifting equipment inside of the newly remodeled weight room.  With all the kids helping, it only took about two hours for the coaching staff to put together all of our squat racks, leg machines etc...   The rubber floor is brand new and it looks great.  We have two weight lifting coaches on our staff....Pete Deluke and Randy Bethel.  Each of these guys are great at what they do, and they knew exactly where each piece should be placed in the room and how it all goes back together.  All I had to do is wrench all morning long.  Fine by me...Just tell me what you need and lets go to work.

Coach J. addressing the team before camp tomorrow. 

I am so excited.  Tomorrow we leave for our FCA football camp over at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida.  There will be six (6) teams over there at the same time, and it is a semi-full contact camp wearing only our shells.  All the teams will train together, and full scrimmages against each team over the next two days has everyone excited.  We will be staying in the dorms on campus, so all the kids will get some real college life experience.  I am sure things will be getting a little spicy between the teams at times, and I really an curious to see how our younger kids react.  No worries to parents....I am sure all coaches will have control over their kids.

I am so blessed to be with this program in the twilight of my career.  True, I have years and years of experience coaching running backs, but I consider the Vero Beach to be one of the best individual position  jobs in the State.  Reasoning?  We play 8A (Florida's largest classification) football, and we are considered one of the best programs in the state; therefore, things don't get much better at the high school level than what we have around here.  We have a great feeder system with our fully staffed JV program, and our fully-staffed Freshman program is unmatched in the area.  Our booster club spoils us rotten, and we want for nothing. I am very lucky to be here, and I appreciate the coaching staff for taking me in.  

Logan Amaral-Senior
Daonovan Gilcrist-Senior

Bryan Primus-Winston-Senior

Bobby MacMillan- 10th Grader

These are my kids for this year.  I may have misspelled someones name, but they will not kill me for it.  I love these kids, and I think we will be very dangerous, for NO ONE expects anything from them after losing the big boy from last year.  Each one of these kids runs just a little bit different...a couple run with power,  with a one-cut and two-cut back mixed among them.  My goals for this year are for Coach Jankowski to be completely at ease with any back who happens to be in the game at any given time.  Fresh Legs in a high tempo offense (we play fast...very fast) is the key.  All four players can run the very same play and give the defense a little bit different look each time its run.  For what it's worth....there is a 4.4 kid among these four.  Can you guess which one?  

You may or may not hear from me over the next couple days.  I do not know the internet situation where we are going, so I may save it all for Thursday or Friday.  


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